Cleanliness is absolutely mandatory if the optimum sonic capability of the vinyl medium is to be realized. A clean record will not only sound better, but last longer. It has been shown that repeated playing of soiled records can cause permanent damage to the vinyl. Preservation of valuable or irreplaceable records requires careful cleaning.  Further, stylus wear is greatly accelerated by playing dirty records, and with cartridges costing what they do these days, playing soiled recordings records can lead to significant and unneeded expense.

As the stylus navigates its torturous travail through the undulating grooves that comprise the record surface, incredible pressure is exerted on the vinyl and the friction produces a fair amount of heat. This process alone is hard enough on the relatively soft vinyl that comprises the LP, add to this equation the dust, dirt and other contaminants so often found on our records, and we have a recipe for disaster. The fact is, playing heavily soiled records literally destroys them!


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